Mainstream JI is crippled but terrorists just keep on coming
The arrest of JI leaders in 2007 is quite significant, but it should not be exaggerated. One must not forget that there are senior JI leaders who are still at large including the leader of JI’s Malaysian violent faction, Noordin Top; JI’s military commander, Zulkarnaen; the electronic and bomb-making specialist, Dulmatin; and the recruitment expert, Umar Patek who sought sanctuary in the Philippines’ Abu Sayaf Group.
We must understand that JI is not a static terrorist organization; it is a social organization that conducts economic, public relations and social outreach activities. The JI members are self-contained since they trade among each other through various means of business activities, such as multi-level marketing in herbal products, plantations and other commodities. The continual arrest of JI members suggest that the group’s numbers are consistently larger than most security analysts speculate.
Read the rest of this article in SGP's Analysis Corner (registration is free).
We must understand that JI is not a static terrorist organization; it is a social organization that conducts economic, public relations and social outreach activities. The JI members are self-contained since they trade among each other through various means of business activities, such as multi-level marketing in herbal products, plantations and other commodities. The continual arrest of JI members suggest that the group’s numbers are consistently larger than most security analysts speculate.
Read the rest of this article in SGP's Analysis Corner (registration is free).
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postingannya rada2 analytical judgement gt mas,simplistis, comment d membasmi turis kafir koq sperti buat qt beware bget for JI. aq jd flashback lg the tragedy of Bali. btw,different concept makes different way of life right. it hapens to JI. aq mandangnya terminology islam yang salah di persepsikan di di tunjang paradigma berpikir yang sempit,ujungnya toleransi keislamannya ancur dan ujungnya desperate action ( aq muslim loh mas ). pengkajian Al Quran secara mendalam tuh perlu. ga bs hanya dipahami luarnya dengan modal ngaji dan mnghafal. Dengan alasan memerangi kaum kafir buatqu tuh basi mas. apa bukan qt yang kafir ngelakuin itu?? tmanqu ada yg dari Bali. katanya, kita ( masyarakat bali ) g salah, tp kenapa kena juga ( jd korban ) minta maaf seperti yang dilakukan Imam S memag cukup 3-4 menit "I'm sorry" that's it. it doesn't deep shit man for those the victims. sm skali g ada maknanya buat mereka. yup i just wish indonesia back to normal and so do those people. intinya sih qt g berhak mengjudge orang laen hanya krna berbeda. belum tentu orang yang beda lebih buruk dari qt dan qt lebih baik dari mereka. Be wise to see the different. btul g mas ;-) btw, kpan maen lagi ke kabupaten kepulauan aru? g dapat psawat lagi ? g ada kbar soalnya ?? oh iya one last word bravo indonesia tourism ........
"The King can do no wrong in the service of the people" ?
NZ, sadly like too many other countries throughout history are corrupt in many different ways. From the old rule "The King can do no wrong in the service of the people", in modern times we live with the same rule rebadged as Crown and Judicial Immunity.
In NZ it's hidden in 2 pieces of legislation- Crown Proceedings Act and the Judicature Act. It simply means the final decision will be it no appeal. So if you get stiffed by a system of cronies in powerful well paid jobs, tough! I suffered them in the Matakana Island litigation and wasted $5.5m on lawyers and private investigators and no matter how much perjury, corruption, murder I exposed if the system decides a matter is closed they do they network thing and get it shut down.
WikiLeaks certainly seeks to balance the playing field by exposing some core and raw talk our leaders hide away. Interestingly owned by us, Assange now faces charges he showed information to the very people who owned the information.
The world is very confusing indeed.
From my view the sooner we remove the immunity our leaders hide behind, the better off we will all be. Secrets after all have hidden the truth behind who caused the deaths of millions of people in Vietnam, Iraq, Central and South America and now Afghanistan.
We need our leaders, judges and politicians to be fully exposed and accountable to a fiduciary duty. Something that should decided by a jury and not one of the team that stands to protect one of their own. Until we have accountability we will continue harming people who may retaliate some with a punch in the mouth, others with guns and bombs.
From what I have experienced in my travels around the world people are the same. The walls between us come from images of actions commited by others. As a westerner I am ashamed by what some of our leaders are doing and I wish we as a people would join together to change the rules the politicians hide behind.
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